DOMAIN 3: Social and Emotional Learning
Self Awareness and Self Management Skills
PK.SEL.1. Regulates responses to needs, feelings and events by expressing them in a way that is appropriate to the situation
PK.SEL.2. Recognizes self as an individual having unique abilities, characteristics, feelings and interests
Decision Making Skills
PK.SEL.6. Understands, follows and easily engages in routines and rules
Social Awareness and Relationships
PK.SEL.3. Demonstrates, interacts with, seeks guidance and continues to develop positive relationships with signifcant adults (primary caregivers, teachers, and other familiar adults)
PK.SEL.4. Develops positive relationships with their peers PK.SEL.5. Demonstrates pro-social problem-solving skills in social interactions
PK.SEL.7. Adapts to change; easily separates from parent or caregiver and transitions with minimal support.