Ask and answer questions about a text
Retell stories and share key details
Identify characters, setting, major events in a story
Name and identify the role of the author and the illustrator
Make connections between illustrations and text
Make connections between, self, text, and the world
Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page
Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters
Understand that words are separated by spaces
Recognize and name all upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet
Identify the front cover, back cover and title page of a book
Recognize and produce rhyming words
Create new words using known sounds
Demonstrate one-to-one letter-sound correspondence
decode short vowel sounds and one-syllable words
Read common high frequency sight words
Use a combination of drawing, dictating, oral expression and/or writing to:
state an opinion about a familiar topic
state a reason to support that opinion
name a familiar topic and supply information
narrate an event or events in a sequence
create a poem, dramatization, artwork, or other response to text, author, or personal experience
Ask questions and participate in shared research to:
answer questions
build knowledge
recall relevant information
gather information
and Listening Strand
Participate in collaborative conversations
Follow agreed-upon rules for discussion including listening to others, taking turns, and staying on topic
Ask and answer questions to clarify what the speaker says
Name familiar people, places, things, and events with detail
Create visual displays to support descriptions
Express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly and completely
Language Strand
*The Language Strand identifies Conventions of English skills that develop from Pre-K to grade 2.
Demonstrate command of conventions of English grammar and usage
Print upper and lowercase letters of their name
Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs
Form and use plural nouns
Use singular and plural nouns with matching verb in basic sentences
Understand and use question words
Produce and expand complex sentences in shared language activities
Use verbs to convey past, present, and future
Use frequently occurring adjectives appropriately
Understand and use simple and compound sentences
Demonstrate command of conventions of English capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing
Capitalize the first letter of their name
Attempt to write symbols or letters to represent words
Recognize and name end punctuation
Spell simple words phonetically
Use commas appropriately