Identifies, explains, and demonstrates safety concepts and rules
Incorporates spatial and body awareness skills in activities and games
Develops basic offensive and defensive concepts
Moves in a variety of ways, in relation to a partner, either with or without a piece of equipment
Develops concepts of physical fitness
Demonstrates proficiency in activities that involve locomotion and non-locomotion movement
Develops an understanding of the health benefits of regular physical activity
Demonstrates an understanding of concepts of fair play and positive sportsmanship
Demonstrates knowledge of safety at home and away from home
Explores the concept of body systems
Demonstrates knowledge of the muscular and skeletal systems
Recognizes ways of expressing feelings which promotes positive mental and emotional health
Demonstrates understanding of good nutrition as it relates to the MyPlate
Recognizes ways of controlling the transmission of germs
Identifies differences in families and recognizes components that contribute to healthy relationships within a family and with friends
Describes a community and the ways established for maintaining good health